Friday, August 27, 2010

Week 2 down....

I have completed my second week. While it is still not something I enjoy, I am settling into a routine of waking up at 615am to make it to my treatments in Aurora by 8am. I walk in and quickly begin my treatment, walking out of the hospital at 826am. I feel good in the morning, but as the day goes on I usually get a headache, upset stomach and the newest thing has been dizziness. After talking to my doctors, the headache is a good indication that the radiation is hitting the tumor so it is swelling causing the headache. So while I have to have a horrible headache, at least I have comfort in knowing it is doing what it needs to be. This week was a little more stream line on the home front this week. Jack did start preschool on Tuesday morning. He likes it a lot, and seems to be doing well. Emma is settling into everyday kindergarten. She is still tired at the end of the day, and she still says it takes to long when I pick her up. But she too, is doing well. Joe was busy this last week with Town of Erie stuff, he did however help pass the golf cart law. He was very excited about this victory!

Thank you to all who has provided meals this week. Thank you to Randy and Bev for taking care of the toll expense for me, this is a HUGE help! Thank you to Jamie for making me my count down cards with a very motivating quote in each of them. It helps get me going every morning, and Fridays Jamie when you come with me to my treatments and you treat me to breakfast. Not to mention all of the help you have all given with the kids, getting them to and from school and allowing me amble time to rest. I am so very fortunate to have such a strong family and friend base. Thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Joe took this picture last Friday after my first week of treatment. I was tired, but doing well!

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