Friday, September 3, 2010

Week 3 down....

I have now completed week 3 of my treatments, 15 to be exact! I am halfway done, 15 more treatments to go! As exciting as it is that I have completed half, it is daunting to think I still have the other half to go. The beginning of the week went fairly well, I was able to work and was very excited to be there. My energy was up, so I didn't rest. I was so pleased with this early in the week, however by Thursday my no resting had caught up to me. During my treatment on Thursday I had a ringing in my ear, and then a horrible headache followed. I was put on IV fluids and was given an injection of dexamethasone. This is a steroid that reduces swelling in the brain which is causing my headaches. Joe was so great and worked from home on Thursday and took care of me and made sure the kids got dropped off, picked up etc. I was able to rest all day! Thanks babe! I woke up this morning to a dull headache and very tired. I went to my last treatment for the week and met with my doctor. He told me I MUST rest each day! I get it, I get it!! He informed me that during the last 3 weeks of my treatment, I could expect to become more tired, and have more frequent headaches. Yay, not quite sure I am still excited about being halfway done. Anyone that knows me, knows I don't sit around. I am a mover and a shaker. So laying around is very foreign to me. It's something I am going to have to get used too! Going to my treatments daily and seeing all of the people that are sick has been a very sobering experience, it puts into perspective for me how precious life really is. We aren't on this earth for very long, and while we are here there is so much heartache and hurt. But there is also so much love and compassion. I watch the families waiting for treatment, with their babies or husbands, wives, parents, friends no one knows what the future holds, just grateful to be right there in that moment. When I leave I try and take a little of that with me each day. I don't like that I have to do this, I hate that I am missing out on taking Emma to kindergarten in the morning and Jack to preschool. But I am so grateful that I have the opportunity to get better. While it might take a while, I believe this will work, and I will be taking my babies to school before I know it!!

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